What Fiber Is Good For You

I wasn't sure how the FiberOne Protein Cranberry Almond was going to taste. It was a bit crunchy but yet tasty. I love how the cranberry tasted in the cereal. It was nice and sweet. It had oatmeal, which is a great morning breakfast. The combos of the different ingredients went well together. It's a added bonus to get protein and fiber. This is a morning cereal, I'll enjoy to eat everyday. I really do recommend this cereal.
The FiberOne Protein Maple Sugar cereal tasted weird. I didn't enjoy the taste. I really didn't like maple brown sugar taste. My son did like the cereal. Everyone likes different tasting cereals. You would have to try the cereal for yourself. If you like it or don't. I really would recommend it for kids. Kids really enjoy eating all types of cereals. I'm a picky person and eat what tastes good to me.
Take the challenge and buy the FiberOne Protein Maple Sugar and Cranberry Almond cereal. Which cereal would you enjoy or both?
The FiberOne Protein Maple Brown Sugar is naturally and artificially flavored and made with real pecans. The FiberOne Protein Cranberry Almond is naturally and artificially flavored and made with real almonds and sweetened cranberry pieces. Each cereal has 220 calories, 0.5 sat fat, 150 mg sodium and 16g sugars. You would get 20% daily value of fiber and 10g protein with milk.
Disclaimer: ReviewIt PR was not compensated for this post. General Mills provided a free FiberOne Cranberry Almond and Maple Brown Sugar cereals to review their products. This post is our own experience about FiberOne. Disclaimer: ReviewIt PR was not compensated for this post. A sample was provided in-exchange for this review. We are disclosing this accordance with Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guide Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Do you want to have your product or furniture featured for a promotional review or giveaway email reviewitpr@gmail.com
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