Ryn shoes are made in the best factories in Pusan, Korea, and have just come to the USA in the last year. Ryn Shoes believes that the customer’s health is the highest priority. Ryn is the leading healthy/toning rocking shoe brand worldwide. Not only do the shoes provide better joint support, but also enable the wearer to make their workouts more effective and burn more calories. The founder of Ryn had foot problems, and made it his personal goal to engineer a line of footwear that would reduce foot pain. Now people all around the world are benefiting from this incredible design. The new shoes Ryn is producing combines their 20 years of experience, with fashion trends of today. Based on years of research, development and clinical trials on weight gain prevention, muscle strengthening and posture correction Ryn has scientifically proven that they are producing the HEALTHIEST shoe on the planet. (And by the way, it doesn't hurt that the shoes happen to look cool.) The Ryn collection includes: sandals, athletic, casual, outdoor and dress.
You can see all of their products here:

I received a pair of
Ryn casual Cindy Black shoes for me to review. I wore the shoes and found them to be very comfortable. The Ryn shoes also help alleviate stress on my hips, knees, and ankles. This is very helpful for me since I'm pregnant. I need the support to be able to take long walks. I like that Ryn footwear strengthens leg muscles and increases energy; which I need. I think I found a product which is not only helpful but also very safe. They are quite stable for a rocker bottom shoe, and the outsole is made of an anti-slip rubber. I think Ryn is a great footwear company and I would recommend their product to people because it helps correct posture, relieve pain on the back, and hips. Ryn footwear will help you enjoy long walks again. But best of all, they help you reduce pain in your body while offering a better walking-workout.
Follow Ryn Footwear USA!
Ryn is always offering great giveaways, and product promotions. If you want to learn more about the comfort and training benefits of Ryn footwear you can like them on
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Buy It!
Ryn and buy cindy black shoes for yourself or a friend. The retail price for a Cindy Black shoe is $285. Yes this may seem expensive, but they are well worth the price! Ryn shoes are built to last will not break down easily like some other rocker shoe brands. ALSO Ryn offer a no questions asked manufacturers warranty. Normal wear and tear is different, but if anything goes wrong from a manufacturer side of things they will replace the shoes free of charge. Ryn has many styles of footwear to choose from. Visit their website and check their collection or and try a pair of Ryn shoes for yourself! They also have many retail stores where you can try-on Ryn shoes in your local area. To find a store near you please visit:
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